Nocnim lokalima nije mjesto u Tvrdji!

Barokna Tvrđa, jedna je od najatraktivnijih zdanja cijele Slavonije. Osječka Tvrđa kandidat je za popis svjetske baštine UNESCO-a

Do kada moramo trpjeti noćnu moru? Do kada treba gledati da se naša stara jezgra uništava? Stanovnici Tvrđe su postala ugrožena vrsta. Mnogi su se iselili iz barokne jezgre Osijeka, većina ostalih to pokušava, a oni rijetki kojima je dom još uvijek u središtu noćnog života Osijeka na rubu su živaca. Ovdje je zakazalo kompletno društvo i odgojni sustav. Razočarani smo i tužni kada vidimo kako neodgovorna mladež uništava svoj grad i povijesnu baštinu koja im je ostavljena u naslijeđe. Noćnim lokalima nije mjesto u Tvrđi. Koji to još normalni grad u takvoj povjesnioj jezgri dozvoljava to što se radi u Tvrđi?

Tražimo da se noćni lokali isele iz Tvrđe!!


The Baroque old town of Tvrđa in Osijek, Croatia is one of the most attractive and distinctive sites of the entire region of Slavonija (eastern part of Croatia). Tvrđa has been nominated for the World's Heritage List of sites under the UNESCO protection.

For how long do the inhabitants of Tvrđa have to bear this nightmare? Will this ravage of the old nucleus and the very heart of Osijek ever stop? People living in Tvrđa have become endengered species, as to say. Many were forced to move out from this baroque part of Osijek and the ones still living here are trying to leave too. The minority of us who haven't left yet try to cope with Tvrđa's nightlife and believe us, it hasn't been easy. Our nerves are going to pieces. Unfortunately, the entire community and educational system have failed here. We are truly disappointed and sad to witness how the irresponsible young members of our community have been destroying their hometown and its historic l heritage. Tvrđa should not be the place for night clubs and bars with extremely loud music at night! What other ordinary cities would allow this in their historic old town?

We strongly demand that these night clubs and bars be closed or moved out from Tvrđa!!


Osijeks barocke Festung Tvrdja ist eine der attraktivstenund bedeutendsten Bauwerken in gans Slavoniens und gilt als Anwärter auf die Auszeichnung als UNESCO Weltkulturerbe.

Wie lange müssen wir noch mit ansehen, wie der Kern der Altstadt weiter rücksichtslos zerstört wird ? Aufgrund vieler Kneipen und Bars haben bereits mehrere Einwohnerdes Stadtteils, diesen verlassen, geplagt durch den Lärm und die Verschmutzung und unzäliger schlafloser Nächte.

Die verbliebenen Anwohner leiden unter den aktuellen unzähliger i Verhältnissen in der Altstadt!!

Nella Čorak Šebetić    Kontaktirajte pokretača peticije